Monday, July 20, 2015

Patient - Provider Relationship & Posttraumatic Stress Disorder VHI

 Posttraumatic Stress Disorder VHI Clinicians can learn about posttraumatic 
stress disorder (PTSD) and the psychological and physical issues facing Veterans

Posttraumatic Stress Disorder VHI Clinicians can learn about posttraumatic stress disorder (PTSD) 
and the psychological and physical issues facing Veterans with PTSD from the Veterans Health Initiative (VHI) study guide, Posttraumatic Stress Disorder: Implications for Primary Care (2.16 MB, PDF). PTSD is associated with neurobiological dysregulation and increased utilization of medical services. One objective of this guide is to help clinicians recognize, refer to treatment, educate, and support Veterans with PTSD and their families. Sections include: Why screen Veterans for PTSD Nature and impact of sexual trauma Guidelines for screening Treatments/pharmacology for PTSD Patient-Provider relationship Models of care The guide is useful for VA and non-VA health care providers caring for Veteran patients. Veterans and the public also may be interested in the guide to learn more about symptoms and treatment. Visit the National Center for PTSD website for information geared to Veterans. - See more at:

The attached picture is what most people forget about; those that died and sacrificed for this country. I personally had an eye opening experience Friday, 7/17/2015 at the VA Clinic in Jonesboro, AR. That, I will describe later...I'm still asking myself, 'did that really happen?'. As I research and post information, hopefully someone, in the chain of command of the VA, the public, veterans groups, or maybe just another veteran will be just as outraged as I am. To each Veteran (22.5M), I want each of you to know about my experience and I hope that as a Veteran, you will let the VA Leadership know there is line that has been crossed more than once. That there are no excuses nor rational for certain behaviors. 

"Veterans and the public also may be interested in the guide to learn more about symptoms and treatment." 

Need to include the 'Providers" and clinicians; especially the clinicians!!!!!!!!!

Sunday, July 19, 2015

FullDisclosureTruth: PTSD Traumatic Guilt in PTSD Treatment

FullDisclosureTruth: PTSD Traumatic Guilt in PTSD Treatment: Addressing Traumatic Guilt in PTSD Treatment Date Created: 08/ 1/2014 Time to Complete: 1 hour Skill Level: Advanced Course Seri...

FullDisclosureTruth:   FullDisclosureTruthAs a Veteran, ut...

FullDisclosureTruthAs a Veteran, ut...
:   FullDisclosureTruth As a Veteran, utilizing medical services needed over the last several years at both the...

FullDisclosureTruth: About the Office of Healthcare Inspections Manage...

FullDisclosureTruth: About the Office of Healthcare Inspections Manage...: About the Office of Healthcare Inspections Management and Organization Department of Veterans Affairs Office of Healthcare I...

FullDisclosureTruth: "exacerbation of PTSD and other comorbid symptoms...

"exacerbation of PTSD and other comorbid symptoms...
: "exacerbation of PTSD and other comorbid symptoms" Assessment and Treatment of Sleep Problems in PTSD Date C...



FullDisclosureTruth: PTSD Traumatic Guilt in PTSD Treatment

FullDisclosureTruth: PTSD Traumatic Guilt in PTSD Treatment: Addressing Traumatic Guilt in PTSD Treatment Date Created: 08/ 1/2014 Time to Complete: 1 hour Skill Level: Advanced Course Seri...

Office of Healthcare Inspections (OHI) - created to monitor the health care provided to the veterans.

About the Office of Healthcare Inspections

Management and Organization

Department of Veterans Affairs
Office of Healthcare Inspections
801 I St. NW,
Washington, DC 20001
The Office of Inspector General is an independent organization with the goal of minimizing fraud, waste, and abuse in the Department of Veterans Affairs' programs, activities and functions. The Office of Healthcare Inspections (OHI) was created to monitor the health care provided to the veterans.
To carry out its inspections responsibilities, the Office of Healthcare Inspections is legally authorized to gain access to all records, reports, audits, reviews, documents, papers, recommendations, or other pertinent materials.
In performing its assigned functions, OHI inspects individual health care issues, performs quality program assistance reviews of medical center operations, evaluates Nationwide health care programs, and provides clinical consultations that are designed to strengthen Veteran's Health Administration's (VHA's) health care, and other missions, in order to help VHA to enhance patient care programs and to prevent and deter fraud, waste, and abuse. The OHI's oversight efforts emphasize National mandates for creating a more efficient, less costly government. Inherent in every OHI effort will be the principles of continuous quality improvement, focus on helping the Department to strengthen day-to-day operations, and emphasis on caring customer service and continually-improved patient outcomes.

"best care possible"?? (   

If NOT satisfied with the services 

received at 

VA Medical Centers 

contact a 

Patient Advocate 

  corrective action for the actions of highly skilled medical doctor contracted by the VA in Jonesboro, AR. Will the VA take action?  morally and ethically right. I will contact Patient Advocacy Monday ->>>?????

As a Veteran, utilizing medical services needed over the last several years at both the VA Medical Center Memphis, TN and the Jonesboro, AR VA Medical Clinic, I was reminded of comments made by fellow Veterans Nationwide. Over the years, I have had the pleasure to work with fellow patriots that have sacrificed not only years of their lives serving our Country, after signing a blank check made payable to the United States of America. 

My work over the years included working closely with fellow veterans exercising their rights to utilize benefits as related to VocRehab. The numerous veterans that would jump through hoops to appease their assigned case managers. The lack of respect and behaviors of most aimed at the veteran VA Employee's (again, toward the veteran attempting to embrace educational benefits only to be humiliated and disrespected. These veterans,  a lot of the time, would throw their hands up and walk away from earned educational benefits.   that many of these Case Managers demonstrated. The lack of respect, passive aggressive mentality was at best totally insulting. Although on another note, that which I have described, is behavior I've been dealing with and like those fellow Veterans, have just been taking it and moving on. 

An example of what I'm personally dealing with centers around me being hospitalized a couple of years back due to one of various health problems. Although the VA pre - approved me being allowed to have medical services rendered, had a change of heart nearly two years later. By the way, the particular hospitalization I am describing included an act that I wasn't charged for; that I know of. My last rights....this is just one incident, one additional situation the VA is using to spit in my face! The point of mentioning here is for purposes of 'putting it out there'. Hopefully, the VA will honor it's commitment! Being limited by words, I'm only able to skim the surface of lots of things. 


The Board of Veterans' Appeals (also known as "BVA" or "the Board") is a part of the VA, located in Washington, D.C.
Members of the Board review benefit claims determinations made by local VA offices and issue decision on appeals. These Law Judges, attorneys experienced in veterans law and in reviewing benefit claims, are the only ones who can issue Board decisions. Staff attorneys, also trained in veterans law, review the facts of each appeal and assist the Board members.   {38 U.S.C. §§ 7103, 7104}
Anyone who is not satisfied with the results of a claim for veterans benefits (determined by a VA regional office, medical center, or other local VA office) should read the "How do I Appeal" pamphlet.  It is intended to explain the steps involved in filing an appeal and to serve as a reference for the terms and abbreviations used in the appeal process.

"exacerbation of PTSD and other comorbid symptoms"

  • Date Created: 05/21/2015
  • Time to Complete: 5 1-hour modules
  • Skill Level: Intermediate
One of the most common complaints among those with PTSD is sleep disturbance. Sleep problems may lead to exacerbation of PTSD and other comorbid symptoms. This course provides information on PTSD and sleep problems, the advantages and disadvantages of pharmacological and cognitive behavioral interventions, and different ways these interventions can be implemented.
This course includes videos that demonstrate assessment of sleep-related problems and the tools included in Cognitive Behavioral Therapy for Insomnia.
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Affairs (VA) VHA 

"best care possible"?? (   

If NOT satisfied with the services 

received at 

VA Medical Centers contact a Patient Advocate 


I (Robert Wilson) am not going to fully elaborate at this moment 
regarding what I was put through LAST Friday Morning, to include my 70 year old mother.... 

Jonesboro, AR 
VA Clinic

Being denied medical treatment that day, to include last two months on another issue as well as the demonstrated incompetence our Nation (veterans) has come to expect. The issues at hand include being denied medicines and medical equipment after 


by senior medical specialist (Doctor, M.D.) at an alternate  private hospital. Aside from from certain actions, the VA needs to step up to the plate and take corrective action for the actions of highly skilled medical doctor contracted by the VA in Jonesboro, AR. Will the VA take action?  morally and ethically right. I will contact Patient Advocacy Monday -

The Patient Advocacy Program 

If you feel your concerns are not 
being addressed by all means 

VA PTSD requires training and licensure as a psychiatrist: VA is a leader in treating mental health issues, including PTSD

PTSD Traumatic Guilt in PTSD Treatment

  • Date Created: 08/ 1/2014
  • Time to Complete: 1 hour
  • Skill Level: Advanced
  • Course Series: PTSD 101
Guilt is common following trauma and is sometimes challenging to treat. This course explains the relationship between trauma and guilt and reviews how to assess traumatic guilt. The authors describe treatment considerations for guilt in prolonged exposure (PE) therapy and Cognitive Processing Therapy (CPT).
Video clips of patients and family members describing their experiences with PTSD are included. Viewers are assumed to have familiarity with PE and CPT.
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