Sunday, August 23, 2015

"Veterans with PTSD praise audio-therapy results." This is about RESET Therapy, the BAUD & my use of this treatment with veterans. Look for it at:

George Lindenfeld
Linkedin - Trauma Expert & Speaker / Author - Resetting the Fear Switch - Neuromodulation & Reconsolidation

Of course you can share it. That's why I'm involved in getting the word out. p.s. When I publish my first book sometime in October, the first 5 days will be free. I'll let you know when that is about to happen as well.

On 8/22/15, 8:06 PM, Robert Wilson wrote:
George - May I share this and your information? Hope can make a real difference in certain people's life! Robert

On 8/22/15, 3:09 PM, George Lindenfeld wrote:
A wonderful article has just been published online by the Sarasota Herald Tribune entitled: "Veterans with PTSD praise audio-therapy results." This is about RESET Therapy, the BAUD & my use of this treatment with veterans. Look for it at:

Robert, send me your e-mail address & when finished, I'll send the book for preview, comment & testimonial if warranted. My Kindle release date is targeted for October 15. As part of this campaign It will be free for the 1st 3 days, 99 cents on the 4th day and $4.99 thereafter. I want to keep it low priced for our veterans so that's where it'll be capped. The following book for professionals entitled: RESETTING THE FEAR SWITCH’ - A THERAPIST’S GUIDE TO PERMANENTLY HEALING PTSD, will be higher priced.

1-BOOK-COVER-1.docx (805.3 KB) View online

On 8/18/15, 8:56 AM, Robert Wilson wrote:

Outstanding George!

I look forward to reading tour paper (Resetting the Fear Switch). Also, I will share whatever information you would like so as to help keep fellow veterans informed, including others that experience this issue due to non-military related issues.

Yes, the "immense attention it's getting in the US with 22 of our veterans killing themselves on a daily", PTSD, is not only unfortunate, to include how shameful it is that the VA, the Agency established years back to care for Veterans dealing with things such as this disorder, have affected so many Veterans in such a negative way. I'm not saying this because of a lack of effort of all VA staff, yet the enormous number that demonstrate such such apathy, disregard and disrespect for the veterans they are supposed to help and care for. not mention they are paid well; especially compared to many others Nationwide and Globally. I believe these people take the veterans they are supposed to be helping for granted!

The 'scientific', medical and or clinical approach, what you described, I find to be interesting. The physiology of this disorder is not only relevant, but provides the empirical evidence that what many people experience, is 'real'. The efficacy related to defining the fact that PTSD is a real problem, matters for a lot of reasons. A lot of people have a hard time understanding what the issues are as defined by the DSM as they do not haven't experienced. The behaviors of those at the VA I mentioned, are deplorable, knowing specifically the affect such negative treatment can have on those dealing with PTSD.

On 8/18/15, 7:48 AM, George Lindenfeld wrote:
Robert, I appreciate your comments. I've selected PTSD in veterans as my primary focus because of the immense attention it's getting in the US with 22 of our veterans killing themselves on a daily basis. If you're interested in learning more about what I've learned send my your e-mail address & I'll attach a cover of my soon to be published Kindle book. Also, if, you'd like, I'll invite you to an early preview for feedback and testimonial purposes. There is a solution to the issues surrounding PTSD. My mission is to let people know about it!

On 8/18/15, 7:12 AM, Robert Wilson wrote:
I will do this. There are many that I would like to share this information with coupled with self interest.

On 8/18/15, 2:53 AM, George Lindenfeld wrote:
Robert, I'm in the early stages of 'spreading the word' about a treatment that constantly amazes me with its effectiveness related to rapidly putting PTSD into remission. Please consider following the emergence of this therapy based on the neuro-circuitry of the brain, also consider reading my paper (Resetting the Fear Switch) in to understand the basic neuro principles of RESET Therapy. I am working on a book entitled: “Resetting the Fear Switch - A Therapist's Guide to PERMANENTLY HEALING PTSD: An Enhanced, Brief Exposure Therapy That Rapidly Eliminates Trauma by Modifying Memory Reconsolidation.” Finally, consider joining the Linkedin group - RESET Therapy to opt in and put your thoughts, challenges and beliefs into the ongoing and evolving discussion.

LinkedIn profile here:

Robert Wilson, Military Network
VP, Veteran IT Employability / Reintegration
On March 23, 1994, as it made its approach to Pope Air Force Base in North Carolina, the nose of an F-16 clipped the right rear elevator of a C-130 in mid-air. Although the stricken transport managed to circle around for a safe landing, the jet fighter crew had to eject as their doomed plane, on full afterburner, hurtled toward the base.