Monday, August 03, 2015

"opined directly CTS (akaPTSD) the VA is both ignorant and Evil." (David, I agree with you!!) As well, "Hippocratic Oath:"First do no harm." - Right!!

Traumatic Stress (aka PTSD) - please read - offer comments

Dave Anderson, thank you for your efforts!

Combat Traumatic Stress (aka PTSD): Combat Injury not a Disorder

linkedin.comPTSD can affect anyone such as police, firemen, or victims that have experienced a traumatic event such as an accident, assault, or natural disaster. I've put much effort into being a veterans advocate to improve awareness of combat-related...
Mal and Elaine  like this

  • John t the injury can happen as a result of Any Traumatic Stress not just Combat and not just to soldiers.

  • Your right John about PTSD and it happening in non war situations. Rape victims often suffer from PTSD. A deadly car crash can do it.

  • As I opined directly CTS(akaPTSD) the VA is both ignorant and Evil. They first drug them and then drug'm again till they're walking Zombies. The Vet then either stays stoned, stops taking the drugs and lives with PTSD or eats the gun. That's the first Evil.

    Then if they get to therapy, they use EMDR which at best relives he anxiety..for awhile and has to be re-done. The next is CBT (Cognitive Behavioural Therapy) in which you learn to change the "triggers" that activate the reliving of a stressor. In order to do this you have to go back into the stress...oh great! Lastly, you go to"Exposure Therapy," here after you learn some relaxation techniques you get to relive each and every stressor over and over again till you're de-sensitized to them...oh, you went through the Holocaust, hey go back and relive it again and again and again. Many Vets come out of this therapy with the stressors increased in intensity. This is the second and much worse Evil.

    Solution: Have you ever watched a home movie as a child? At the end the person rewinds it so that everything and everybody moves and talks backwards...most people laugh. Hmmmmm I'll let you think about this one.

    If you believe that therapy is long, painful and're right, others believe otherwise and their right too.

  • Hippocratic Oath:"First do no harm." Apply the above Solution. I know it works it's very fast, effective and permanent.

  • That is not answering my question David. All that you are doing with your answer is evading the question that I asked.

  • Sorry, lots should be done. Straighten out the VA at the top employ enough therapists who know something about trauma therapy and get rid of anti-psychotic drugging.

  • Hey John, I agree!!!! You ready to read a story as to why I agree as I do with emphasis? Although you don't know who I am, I'm hopeful you'll read what I'm about about to throw up here. Just collecting my thoughts. As well, I hope you'll you will forward what I'm going to say to anyone that will listen and especially those that will possibly raise a little hell! The following may offer a little insight as to where I'm going with this....

    We became 'warriors' and again, as we all know, a 'warrior' fights to death. Period! This drive, some of the earned pride stemming from the accomplishment of being a Paratrooper for example, isn't of a false pride and to this day, I personally am extremely proud of my service to this Country, I'm proud to be an American coupled with being a Patriot. I'm of the mindset that if a person can not relate to these ideals and does not give our Country (and Veterans) the respect that is due, well, I have no use for that person; a.k.a. ATTITUDE PROBLEM. This brings me to a couple of points I am going to be candid about and I know of no other way to express what I think / believe w/o just saying what I mean.

    I have no interest in blowing a lot of false meaning and lies as most politicians do. We all know for the most part, politicians are not strong, lack backbone which this Country was founded on. We as veterans know first hand we can not afford the luxury of double standards when governed by UCMJ nor on the battlefield. As a warrior, we have signed that blank check, to include up and to OUR LIVES!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    What I find to be APPALLING, DISGUSTING, AGGRAVATING, UPSETTING, INSULTING, INFURIATING and many other gaps that can be filled in by lots of Veterans that are simply being spit on by the entity that should act according to the highest of standards, as required of us, has no accountability. Yes, the VA. You hear it and read about the despicable behavior demonstrated EACH AND EVERYDAY by the employee's of the VA, the leadership of the VA, the incompetent staff on the front line that are running a muck. NO, NOT EVERY EMPLOYEE, but I know from my personal experience over the years by VA staff, those that are supposed to be 'educated' licensed professionals that are supposed to be the 'warrior' with the dedication and loyalty we expect to be there for us as needed only to be treated at times with such disrespect and insult, anymore I understand the frustration so many fellow Veterans battle against (the VA first of all) to include personal issues we must overcome or at a minimum contend with daily.

    Please see and forward the following if you don't mind.

  • what a Fab post. More people should be made aware of this, so many vets taking their own lives, This is not acceptable. Come on guys we are out here and want to help you.